Newest in socials
There is no surprise that so much has happened in the world of social media since our last edition. This space is forever changing and evolving on a daily basis, we truly understand when people say they find it hard to keep up ! That’s why we do what we do, to help streamline social content that aims to achieve the best results for our clients and to help keep them on the right track with their socials and the current trends.
Social media giant Meta is constantly changing and evolving. This month we have seen the announcement of broadcast channels being introduced to their platforms. Instagram have rolled out a new feature called ‘notes’ to Europe and Japan as a trial of this new aspect of their infamous app, we are interested to read the feedback on this one and see if it comes to Australia!
Twitter has seen the expansion of their platform introducing ‘Twitter Blue’, a new subscription option to users in 6 new countries. These include Saudi Arabia, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain in attempts to make additional profits for the company. Twitter has also implemented similar to Tiktok & Instagram, bookmark counts to appear for users to see how many times their content may have been saved by other users as a means of feedback on how successful their individual posts may be.
TikTok continues to soar, with engagement rates at an all time high in comparison to any other social media platform and in result we have seen engagement decline on Instagram. The social media app, will also be launching a new longer form of videos known as a ‘series’ to the app. Behind the scenes (bts) content is proving to be the best performing style of posts, across all channels as this allows followers to feel a part of the experience and journey to the end product. This is also one of our personal favourite styles of content!
Instagrams Co-founders have recently launched a new application known as ‘Artifact’, available on the app store for users to download today. A similar concept to Tiktok, Artifact curates a personal tailored news feed of the best articles that will suit the interest of each individual user. We love this innovative idea!
LinkedIn has mentioned they will incorporate AI into their platform even further to help businesses with job ads, descriptions and to assist with launching new courses. It will certainly be interesting to see how AI evolves over the coming years and across social media, we truly are living in the digital age!
A trend that we are currently seeing at the moment is ‘intentional errors’ that is exactly how it sounds. Creators are purposely making errors in spelling and pronunciation that in turn leaves them seeing a boost in engagement as this type of content generates a discussion in the comments and in turn then results in more exposure and views. We are left a little perplexed by this trend, not sure if it's extremely clever or a very misleading tactic? What do you think?